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據Corelogic數據顯示,澳洲整體樓市全面向上,阿德萊德樓價按年上升15.74%,她憑著宜人環境、完善基建、獨特城市文化,今年超越悉尼、墨爾本及布里斯本,獲經濟學人選為2021全澳洲最宜居城市。市場上新盤主要集中市中心,但要數真正中產地段,絕對是在內城東區。本週推介新盤坐落媲美「中環蘇豪區」的Norwood 區,與Rose Park 及Toorak Garden 連成一線成為阿德萊德高端住宅區域。主打隔間工整的長形單位連露台,面積最細由624呎起,首期亦只需港元23萬起*,更由發展商提供3年5厘的租金保障計劃*。
地點:The Balmoral Display Gallery
主題:投資阿德萊德 – 市中心 vs 中產區?
Norwood區毗鄰Rose Park及Toorak Garden,三區連成一綫為內東城區最受追棒地段。吸引年輕、專業人士定居於此,形成最潮生活圈,堪稱香港中環「蘇豪」。爲什麽Norwood可吸引專業人士定居於此?除了其地理位置就近市中心,通勤便利的同時低密度的居住環境,滿足當地人追求的生活外,亦因此區是名校網區,著名學府林立,區内涵蓋中小私立學校如Prince Alfred College、St Peter’s College、Norwood Primary School,車程5分鐘内更達世界著名學府阿德萊德大學及南澳大學,學術氣氛濃厚。
區内不同的消遣娛樂場所均可在鼎鼎大名的大街The Parade找到。The Parade大街有有林林種種的咖啡廳,異國料理餐廳、開放式酒吧、特色小店及畫廊等,更有不少高級餐廳,媲美灣仔日月星街。區內坐擁最大型戲院電影院,位落於大型購物中心——Parade Central,提供區内區外市民不同消遣,生活所需,一應俱全。居於Norwood可享低密度生活空間,且鄰近市中心,猶於中環「蘇豪」,集休閑、文人氣息於一身。
阿德萊德樓市一直被視為「波動性低,增長實在」的房地產市場,市中心的空置率多年維持於極低的5.2%。比較下,Norwood 區的空置率更是反映出其渴市程度,據澳洲地產數據分析網站SQM年最新報告,其空置率僅1.3%。過往一年其獨立屋中位價升幅表現突出,上升9.34%,物業價值高出市中心40%。
現時Norwood 區的一房放盤極少,是次推出新盤Norwood Green 提供多個一房單位由澳幣405,000起,發展商更提供3年5厘的租金保障計劃*。由超過50年發展歷史的Buildtec Group親手打造實用率超高住宅,主打隔間工整的長形單位連露台,性價比高之選。
價值500億的潛艇製造訂單為首的國防項目落戶阿德萊德,為南澳的未來經濟打下一枝強心針。潛艇項目將於2020年中展開,並將直接帶來1,700個工作崗位和更多相關領域的就業機會,除此之外, 2018年已開始建造的新海上巡邏艦隊,在2020年將會開建9艘新護衛艦,接著直到2060年,將有12艘潛艇在此建造。
耗資36億澳元在阿德萊德市中心的一角打造南半球最大的醫療及生物醫學中心。園區中除了設有已經落成南澳洲亞健康及與醫學研究所 (SAHMRI)、新阿德萊德皇家醫院、阿德萊德大學衛生學院以及南澳洲大學癌症研究所外,南半球第一個質子治療部門亦將於明年開幕。
太空總署落戶 3,450億商機帶動阿德萊德經濟爆發
阿德萊德擊敗其他首府城市,爭取成為澳洲太空總署的所在地。太空總署的成立預料將為當地提供一個 3,450 億美元的全球太空工業商機,預料將能創造多達兩萬個工作崗位。澳洲政府向太空總署撥出 4,100 萬元款項,更將推動澳洲發展太空科技的投資額度增加至 120 億元。
Disclaimer: The contents of this website have been prepared prior to completion of detailed design and construction of One Sydney Harbour. Images depicting interiors and exteriors (including view lines) are intended as a guide only and are artist’s impressions of how the development may appear when completed. The actual appearance, style and configuration of the elements of the development may vary without notice and may not be identical or similar to the images shown. As such, this material does not constitute a representation by the Developer, Vendor or the Agent in respect of the actual size, form, dimensions, specifications or layout of the apartments or other parts of the building. Lendlease does not accept responsibility for any action taken by intending purchasers in reliance on the information in this website. The final product may vary from the images shown. Images are artist’s impressions only, fixtures and finishes are subject to change and furniture is not included unless otherwise stated in the contract for sale. Any view lines shown are indicative only as at the date of publication. Actual views from each apartment may vary on completion from that shown. View lines may be impacted by current and future development applications. Changes may be made to the detailed layouts during development and construction in accordance with the provisions of the contract for sale or planning or authority requirements. Prospective purchasers must make and rely on their own enquiries.
Whilst Lendlease endeavours to ensure that the information in this website is correct, no warranty, express or implied, is given as to its accuracy. Nothing in this website constitutes specific technical, financial or investment advice and prospective purchasers are advised to seek their own independent advice based on their specific circumstances. Prepared by Lendlease (Millers Point) Pty Ltd October 2020.