
【呎價港幣2,080起*】再度加推 墨爾本東南面傳統馬主聚居地獨立屋連地皮




全球獨家 東南面8幅地皮連獨立屋 再度限量推出

墨爾本東南面10幅地皮在10月展銷會推出後反應熱烈,在短短1個周末内,已悉數沽清! Ray White本週現加推東南面「傳統馬主聚居地」8幅獨立屋連永久業權地皮,滿足香港買家需求之餘,亦為本港買家免卻與當地人一齊抽籤買地之苦!呎價由港幣2,080*。該區歷年來深受馬主等高收入高學歷家庭青睞,是墨爾本排名第三的公立精英中學Nossal High所在校網區,性價比更是排名前三的中學中最高的地區。由項目前往澳洲第二大購物商場Westfield Fountain Gate7分鐘 ,經 M1高速公路可38分鐘直通市中心,10多分鐘更可到達華人區Glen Waverley。區內空置率僅0.8%,反映物業渴市程度。




澳洲 墨爾本獨立屋連地皮展銷會

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地點:尖沙咀星光行16樓1633室(The Balmoral Display Gallery)





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區內雲集6間貴族公私立名校,更是全墨爾本排名第三的公立精英中學Nossal High所在校網,再加上名牌私立中學Haileybury CollegeSt. Margaret’s School等。地靈人傑,名校簇擁,人文氣息濃厚,是孕育下一代的不二之選,成爲高收入高學歷家庭趨之若鶩的地區。

居民享受低密度居住環境,同時享有都市便利的好處。僅7分鐘達澳洲第二大購物商場Westfield Fountain Gate ,鄰近的M1高速公路更能以38分鐘直通市中心,平衡為小孩創建成長環境的同時對都市便利的追求。


據澳洲地產數據分析網站SQM最新報告,鄰近的著名華人區Glen WaverleyBox Hill,兩區皆是港人瘋搶地段,但兩區空置率分別為3.1%5.4%。相較Ray White 本週加推 全港獨家東南面「傳統馬主聚居地」,其空置率奇低,僅0.8%。意味着此區住宅需求甚殷。

中小學排名前三 性價比最高名校區

墨爾本排名前三的中學分別是Melbourne High SchoolMac Robertson High SchoolNossal High School。相比前2間中學所在地區的樓價,Nossal High 校網樓價的性價比可謂無可比擬。根據realestate.com.au數據,要入手Melbourne High School所在South Yarra區的獨立屋,2房已叫價140萬澳幣;Mac Robertson High School所在區,更無獨立屋供應,公寓中位價約62萬。相比較下,是次推介坐落Nossal High 校網的全新獨立屋連地皮屋苑,提供4房單層獨立屋,80萬澳幣起*,連逾3,700呎永久業權地皮前後花園及車庫。以「親民價」入駐低密度「馬主豪宅區」,在墨爾本名牌貴族校區中,項目可謂物超所值。

「何文田地段」全球獨家8幅地皮 物超所值

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Ray White 今期獨家精選最新一期墨爾本獨立屋連地皮項目,售價由港幣435萬起*   。提供由三千七百至五千三百呎地皮、3-4房單或雙層獨立屋,連前後花園及車庫,買家更擁永久地皮業權。屋苑更提供不同地皮及屋型供買家選擇,自由度大。



Disclaimer: The contents of this website have been prepared prior to completion of detailed design and construction of One Sydney Harbour. Images depicting interiors and exteriors (including view lines) are intended as a guide only and are artist’s impressions of how the development may appear when completed. The actual appearance, style and configuration of the elements of the development may vary without notice and may not be identical or similar to the images shown. As such, this material does not constitute a representation by the Developer, Vendor or the Agent in respect of the actual size, form, dimensions, specifications or layout of the apartments or other parts of the building. Lendlease does not accept responsibility for any action taken by intending purchasers in reliance on the information in this website. The final product may vary from the images shown. Images are artist’s impressions only, fixtures and finishes are subject to change and furniture is not included unless otherwise stated in the contract for sale. Any view lines shown are indicative only as at the date of publication. Actual views from each apartment may vary on completion from that shown. View lines may be impacted by current and future development applications. Changes may be made to the detailed layouts during development and construction in accordance with the provisions of the contract for sale or planning or authority requirements. Prospective purchasers must make and rely on their own enquiries.

Whilst Lendlease endeavours to ensure that the information in this website is correct, no warranty, express or implied, is given as to its accuracy. Nothing in this website constitutes specific technical, financial or investment advice and prospective purchasers are advised to seek their own independent advice based on their specific circumstances. Prepared by Lendlease (Millers Point) Pty Ltd October 2020.

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