悉尼 世界級地標住宅One Sydney Harbour 展銷會 | 最後一期 壓軸登場

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由於八號烈風或暴風信號現正生效,原定今天 (2/7)於文華東方酒店舉辦的悉尼One Sydney Harbour 展銷會將會取消實地睇樓團將轉以網上形式如期於下午4時舉行,不便之處,敬請原諒。如有任何疑問,歡迎致電2376 1088查詢。

大師級建築師 ‧ 世間罕有豪宅

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Ray White呈獻世界級地標住宅One Sydney Harbour,由獲獎無數的國際地產投資集團Lendlease Group及意大利著名建築師、普利兹克獎得主Renzo Piano強強聯手傾力打造。坐落悉尼市中心最後一塊港灣地皮,新金融中心 – Barangaroo區。擁攬悉尼大橋及歌劇院繁華夜景,以及海灣一望無際的水景。推出市場後,立即被神秘買家以預售價逾$1.4億澳元 (相當於接近$8.43億港元) 迅速打破澳洲最高價住宅項目紀錄!

悉尼 One Sydney Harbour 展銷會

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日期: 7月2及3日(星期六、日)





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One Sydney Harbour住宅項目位於悉尼市中心Barangaroo South港灣區,由Lendlease聯同澳洲及國際建築師攜手合作進行大型市區重建計劃,建造集世界級寫字樓、高尚住宅、世界級奢侈品牌專門店、國際知名餐廳、酒店和自然公共空間的新金融地段,吸引眾多國際企業總部進駐,包括:匯豐銀行、西太平洋銀行、PwC和畢馬威會計師行等,地位如同香港中環區的「IFC」。除此以外,該區形成了黃金CBD地區中的綠色公共空間,成為世界級可持續發展區域的地標。配合區內獲獎無數的空間設計及景觀,散發著濃厚的自然和藝術氣息,加上區內配套充裕,為One Sydney Harbour住客提供一個無可比擬,集美感、文化和便利於一身的生活享受。

Renzo Piano曠世鉅作

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One Sydney Harbour 由曾設計多項星級建築如:龐畢度藝術中心 (Centre Georges-Pompidou)、歐洲最高大廈The Shard和紐約時報大廈的意大利著名建築師、普利兹克獎得主Renzo Piano 主導建築設計。
項目其中兩個系列的室內設計更由曾負責The Shard的Daniel Goldberg打造,這將是Daniel與Renzo第三次合作。


One Sydney Harbour共推兩座大廈Residence OneTwo,配備三個系列,分別為:The Luxury CollectionThe Signature CollectionThe Harbour Collection。當中第一期Residence One在去年非公開發售的活動內已成功賣出85%的單位。主要受當地買家推動,有見及此,發展商提前推出Residence Two,並由獨家公開活動開始,Ray White將作為其香港代理。


高科技環保住宅 X 世界級可持續發展區域

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Barangaroo South區域屬全球18個參與由C40城市氣候領導聯盟倡議的正氣候開發計劃(Climate Positive Development Program) 的區域之一,以零碳排放、零浪費、可持續運輸和材料等可持續發展原則,支持將現場二氧化碳排放量降至零。區內所有建築群包括One Sydney Harbour全部採用地底下利用海港水進行冷卻的水循環系統供給中央冷氣系統。相同的技術同樣被引入Google加州總部。


Disclaimer: The contents of this website have been prepared prior to completion of detailed design and construction of One Sydney Harbour. Images depicting interiors and exteriors (including view lines) are intended as a guide only and are artist’s impressions of how the development may appear when completed. The actual appearance, style and configuration of the elements of the development may vary without notice and may not be identical or similar to the images shown. As such, this material does not constitute a representation by the Developer, Vendor or the Agent in respect of the actual size, form, dimensions, specifications or layout of the apartments or other parts of the building. Lendlease does not accept responsibility for any action taken by intending purchasers in reliance on the information in this website. The final product may vary from the images shown. Images are artist’s impressions only, fixtures and finishes are subject to change and furniture is not included unless otherwise stated in the contract for sale. Any view lines shown are indicative only as at the date of publication. Actual views from each apartment may vary on completion from that shown. View lines may be impacted by current and future development applications. Changes may be made to the detailed layouts during development and construction in accordance with the provisions of the contract for sale or planning or authority requirements. Prospective purchasers must make and rely on their own enquiries.

Whilst Lendlease endeavours to ensure that the information in this website is correct, no warranty, express or implied, is given as to its accuracy. Nothing in this website constitutes specific technical, financial or investment advice and prospective purchasers are advised to seek their own independent advice based on their specific circumstances. Prepared by Lendlease (Millers Point) Pty Ltd October 2020.

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